As a Fighter Weapons Instructor and recent retiree of a 14 year career in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Brendan ‘Darcee’ gained over 2300 hours of training and operational experience. The main portion of his military career was spent flying the CF-18 Hornet where he logged 1300 hours of experience. Highlights from that portion of his career were deploying to Iraq in 2015 flying combat missions against ISIS, completing the RCAF Fighter Weapons Instructor Course in 2017 as well as many other international operations and exercises.
He earned Mass Attack as well as Mission Commander designations which were exercised in many large force employment exercises. He gained valuable instructional experience being employed as an FWI by the RCAF and helping organize and instruct on multiple FWI courses. He ended his RCAF career in 2019 teaching at the operational training unit instructing new pilots to the CF-18 Hornet. Other aircraft flown include the CT-156 Harvard II, CT-155 Hawk, L-39 and Boeing 737NG.